I thought to, or not, then again....

11:15 p.m.


I thought to send you a little message today. Or not. And now that it is almost tomorrow and I still suffer the pangs of wakefulness, I am back to thinking.

I've often missed the messages you used to send. The sweet nothings, the wisdom, the review of your day to day life. Your words, written though they were as transient bits and bytes that flew through that unknown cloud, still drew me into your world where I basked in a momentary bliss reading about your comings and goings.

Sometimes you wrote of fear, sometimes of courage, but always of and from your heart. I miss your soul, though I've found I can live without it for periods of time still unknown.

still, in darkest night, and in those oh so unexpected moments, there is a movement...a sound...a smell...a phrase or music or spoken word....that leaves me breathless and aching with the memory of you. What does that say of me. I thought, or not, then again....


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