Time and Time Again

1:19 p.m.


Some time ago - I suggested that....

time is a strange thing, isn't it?
i mean, you can't buy it
but you can spend it
you can't have enough of it
but you never really know how much you have left
you know you're going to run-out of it
but believe you have all the time in the world
it goes too quickly, too slowly,
but you can't even see it to tell how fast it's really going
you can't taste time
but you can eat it up
for instance, by running out the clock
and, sure enough, even though i can't see it, hear it, taste it, smell it, measure it with a ruler (but can with a clock or watch)
and it is certainly not my friend
i'll be damned if i don't want more of it.

time, if you could hear me, i would vainly scream a deafening yell directly into your left ear just hoping, somehow, that i could inflict upon you, in some small degree, the pain that you have inflicted upon me all these years.

now, having thought these thoughts, i come to the crux of the matter......

when does time become the enemy? when new years eve seems to come every three months. when you can actually see the new lines in the mirror. when you know that all the creams, hair color, diets and exercise are not going to make you any younger. when a birthday looms that reminds you that there is much less of your life ahead than you've already left behind.

so i ask the important question. if a visit to your favorite internist left you with the news that there is much less time than you'd counted on - what changes would you make. would you jump off the proverbial relationship cliff hand in hand to spend it with love. would you ask for what you want because now is all the future you have and asking is the only way you'll have it. would you take the chances you've been setting aside for later, since there's little later left. would you charge into battle with time, and know you can win.

or wouldn't you.


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