Santa is coming to town

8:51 p.m.


Full moon, stars, cold, but beautiful. The fat man should have no problem finding us tonight!! Opening presents in the morning, and a big xmas dinner planned. Kids will cook!! They put up the tree last night when they got here - darling things that they are. It was rather nice to be waited on a little.....

We were at the grocery today, at the breakfast bar section. There was Morgan in all her glory on the Quaker box. As we are admiring her, a guy walks up and I ask him if he wants to buy a box - as the star is standing right there. He not only takes her picture with his camera phone (with him standing beside her) but has her autograph the box!!! What a riot. Her head was so swelled!!

Hope your Xmas eve is lovely...Kisses, hugs, and all that good stuff


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