If I Could Sing Like the Birds

9:33 a.m.

For you there�ll be no crying
For you the sun will be shining
Cause I feel that when I�m with you
It�s alright, I know it�s right

And the songbirds keep singing
Like they know the score
And I love you, I love you, I love you
Like never before
~Eva Cassidy

You know how when there's something really important you should have done, but you've forgotten, and when you remember, your stomach turns? Or that feeling that comes into your throat, when you see the person you loved with another person, even if you're no longer together?

It's like that every morning when she wakes up. She feels sick, because for a second, when she opens her eyes, everything's fine. Then it hits her - she remembers. And simple things terrify her, the book she read to him with her head on his shoulder, his writing on a letter, the little pin still there on her sweater, because what touched them is dead and it's impossible to believe.

But she thinks he's gone, gone for good, and that's that.

The only way to remember Ben all those years without him had been to block out certain feelings. Now every feeling she ever had is bubbling up all over the place with no where to go but out her eyeballs. He is who he is, he's never going to change. His ability to love is limited and she needs to accept that.

But we are left to wonder, just how dangerous is a broken heart?

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