On Being Worthy

08:17 p.m.

Anna watched an old movie last night. TIVO replayed the finale over and over, but this is all she heard.....

I used to wake up some days
and wish I'd stayed asleep
cause I went to bed on top of the world
today the world's on top of me

seems like I always fall short
of bein' worthy
cause I ain't good enough
so he can't love me

I'm not perfect
Yes I do wrong
I'm trying my best
but it ain't good enough
and he can't love me
just not good enough
so he can't love me

~paraphrased from "The Fighting Temptations"

Monday, April 18 7:00 pm

IM Anna to Ben

Can we talk tonite? Want to hear about your weekend and how it went!


Weekend just wonderful, my talk went very well, back to reality--went straight to meeting Sun pm from retreat, the meeting I moderate was last night, and a theology class I'm taking for "fun" in Belleville Tuesday nights (tonight is 2nd of 6). We'll talk in a couple of days. OK? Hope your weekend went well. Weather just gorgeous now.


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