Coming Attractions

3:12 p.m.

On Sunday, as a special favor to Candoor I posted my response to the following:

�List 5 things that society in general apparently enjoys, or tolerates, that you just don't get.�

While the general apathy of my three readers, and the two lurkers who stumbled in accidently, provided little input to my response � I did get two comments that caused me some degree of consternation. The first, in response to my suggestion that some might find the entry long (and thus boring) was from �Randy� (who did not leave an email for a proper response which is why he/she is being severely punished by having his/her name mentioned here!)

�OK,you�re right, that WAS boring!!! Arrgh! You sound old."

Well, I probably am older than you. But I didn�t feel much different about the five things on my list when I was �young�. *And were you aware it is not really considered good manners to call a lady �old�, especially someone you don�t know?*

Thank you, however, for proving at least one of my points.

The second was via email and suggested that my list may indicate I hate actors and actresses and the industry in which they are involved.

Let me immediately disabuse you all of that notion. My daughter and son-in-law are actors and I could not respect, nor support them in, their chosen profession more. And that goes for the thousands of people in the industry who creatively write, edit, act, direct, and otherwise contribute to my constant enjoyment of film television, stage, radio and printed page. High fives, huzzahs and a hearty pat on your virtual backs.

The question, however, was � List Five Things Society Tolerates that You Don�t Get!

Walk with me now as we take a look at three new shows coming this week to a television set near you:

The Princes of Malibu: Sunday at 8 pm on FOX
In an attempt to impart some responsibility, the wealthy slacker stepsons of a famous movie producer are told to get jobs or get out of the mansion. We get to follow the boys as they put together a bikini carwash. However � the joke�s on us. The boys are actually the show�s co-creators. When faced with the real ultimatum from their real father, they simply approached a FOX executive producer pal of their dad�s and, just like that, a show is born.

Brat Camp: Wednesdays at 8 pm on ABC
Nine out-of-control kids are sent by their fed-up parents to a �therapeutic wilderness� boot camp in Oregon. A tough-love experience where back-breaking hikes and tearful cell calls to mom are an everyday occurrence. Watch children behaving badly as their parents stay home and continue with the same behavior that created these spawn of Satan in the first place. (a boot camp with cell phone privileges?)

Hooking Up: Thursdays at 9 pm on ABC
A five-part series which follows 12 internet-savvy Manhattan women hoping to find a husband via internet dating. We watch our young, lithe, thin, surgery enhanced well-groomed singles with good jobs select potential mates online, then follow them through the thrills and duds of their dating moments.

I rest my case.

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