Nature's Rhythms

10:49 a.m.

There�s something we can learn from nature. All things have a natural rhythm. You see it throughout nature: waves ebbing and flowing on the shore, oscillating atoms and molecules, the seasons of the planet, our own psyches as we reach out to connect and then sometimes go back into our inner world.

We also do this in our relationships. One of the skills of a thriving relationship is to honor that flowing together and moving apart as a natural thing, rather than resisting it or making your partner wrong if they don't want to be as close as we think they should be at a given time.

Each of us should honor the other person's own inner wisdom. Make it easy for them to tell the truth, be authentic and then accept whatever shows up. Find compassion and equanimity at the soul level where right and wrong, good and bad fall away.

Natural rhythms are just oscillating waves, which can be constructive or destructive. Constructive waves make bigger waves as they merge together. Destructive waves cancel one another out until there is nothing left. Be a constructive wave. Open your heart. Listen to your partner and you will hear the I love you in the smallest of gestures, in a single phrase, a touch, or a thank you. Sometimes that�s all it takes.

"Out beyond the ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I'll meet you there." ~~Rumi

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