The Five Things Meme

1:13 p.m.

Five Things

Oh my, tagged by wildrosie to tell five things I�ve never told you before. Hmmm, being the prolific (read, blithering) diarist that I am�.and having done at least four ME ME ME sessions wherein I pretty much spill my guts��.this will be tough. But I�ll try.

1. I would absolutely not want to eat live bugs a la Fear Factor. And it�s not that I�m afraid of bugs. Or spiders. Or snakes. Or other reptilian creepy crawly things. I don�t LIKE some of them, and would prefer not to have them in my bedroom, or car, or crawling on my body but I�m not afraid of them. But the sound of the carapace crunching under my foot and all the bug guts squooshing out from under my shoe��EEEEWWWWHHHH. And can you imagine that in your mouth? Nope, if I can catch them, I put them outside. Except for roaches, ants, and camelback crickets. I keep the Raid handy for those suckers.

2. I have an older first cousin I�ve only met three times, so he hardly seems like a relative. The first time I was about 10 years old and I was totally attracted to him. We met again four years later and I fell madly in love with him as only a �tween�-age girl can. The last time I was about 27 or so. Oddly enough, the electrical chemistry between us was still there. He married late in life, but we still keep in touch via email and letters (the only man I�ve ever met who writes REAL letters) once or twice a year. He is more like me than anyone I�ve ever met and I have often wished we had the chance to know one another better (no, not that way silly). After the second meeting he sent me a clear plastic puzzle. When you put it together just right it spells �Love� in a very 70�s fat script. I still have it.

3. A dear friend of mine told me recently I was afraid of being abandoned. I pooh-poohed the idea until I�d had a chance to think about it. And decided perhaps he was more right than I would want to admit. Everyone who should have loved me left � some earlier than others. Everyone I�ve ever loved left. Some earlier than others. And somewhere deep inside I wonder if it�s karma. And as terrified as I am, every single day, of facing that feeling again, I still want to believe it�s better to have loved and lost.

4. I have never ridden on a sled, a toboggan, a saucer, skis, or anything else that slides down a snowy hill. I�ve never ridden in a sleigh. I�ve skated on ice � but only in an indoor rink. And it�s not that there wasn�t snow in the Midwest � cause there was. My daughter told me she has done all these things�.so I suspect it was her dad that took her. And I do remember he used to go with the other men in the neighborhood to clear off the pond so the kids could skate. I have no idea why I�ve never done it myself.

5. People do a lot of things when they feel down. Some eat, some sleep, some cry, some write. I shop. I can judge my state of mind by my need to go shopping. I once cut up every single one of my credit cards because I knew I couldn�t afford to buy anything. I am on the mailing list of every catalogue known to mankind. Computers haven�t helped � I don�t even have to get dressed to satisfy the urge. And when the mailman arrives with all the lovely boxes, every day is Christmas!! It�s ok though � I can usually control it. Really I can�honestly�..sorry, umm, gotta run � after Christmas sales and all. Ta Ta�.been fun�.BYE!

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