
12:18 p.m.

I left Mr. Lucky in August. Well, I told him I was leaving. I didn�t actually move until September.

For the first few weeks he called almost every day. Mostly to ask how to do something, or where something could be found.

Then he started calling about whether I packed and moved one thing or another. The electric blanket, a can opener, a camera tripod. Instead of �where is it�, it became �do you have� when he would look for an item and not be able to locate it.

This weekend he moved the office to the house. Something I fought all the years I was with him. We moved into office space when I moved into the old house, and I refused to have it back when we got the bigger new house. And it was against the HOA regulations anyway. The secretary isn�t happy. A much longer commute and �What if I come in and he�s naked or something?�

And while THAT probably won�t happen � there probably WILL be a body meeting. Cause Mr. Lucky is already dating and he often leaves very early in the morning. Long before a �guest� would be up and out. That�s why he wanted the electric blanket. (�My guest got cold�.) And when the secretary said Mr. Lucky was in Ohio and my car (we traded cars until I could get one that would work with a carseat) wasn�t in the garage and no Mango the parrot in the house � I called to find out what was happening. �They are at my friend�s house� was the response. Not that I care he has a friend�.I certainly don�t want him back so she�s welcome to him. But I would prefer she didn�t drive my car.

But there IS something that DOES bother me.

He has already found a replacement. Maybe two or three. I haven�t had a single date. Not even a nibble.

Not that I�m looking all that hard. I still can�t get Gabriel out of my head. But I HAVE glanced around riding the subway to work every day. Thinking �if I wanted to � is there anyone here I�d give a second glance to.� And in the two or so weeks I�ve been perusing the territory, the answer is �Nope.�

It�s been almost a year since the last communication. I need a Ghostbuster.

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