Dumps and Outhouses

10:05 p.m.

No, I've not forgotten you. But I started work on the 22nd. Full time. As in I have to trek to the office every day. So I walk about 2/3 mile to the PATH train which goes into Manhattan, then transfer to the MTA subway which takes me downtown to the East Village, then a half-mile to the office. And in case you're wondering...it's about 20 blocks to a mile.

I was hired by a small construction firm to be the personal assistant for the owner (hmm, let's call him TJG) and the marketing director. I told him I could increase his profitability by 15% in the first year....assuming he took my recommendations for changing his workflow. And he seemed eager to bring me on. In fact, when I asked him - in the first phone conversation after he received my resume - what he was looking for, he replied "I think I'm looking for you!!"

I got some resume. That's the good news. I sent out about 600 blind emails to a database of strangers, got 10 phone calls, and agreed to go on two interviews based on the opportunities. I was offered both jobs. I took the smaller one that paid less for two reasons - one, it gave me more flexibility and personal time and two, I LIKE helping to build/change a business structure to make more money.

The company has been in business for 90 years doing exterior renovation and restoration work. Grandfather, to father, to son. TJG - who's been doing it on his own for about 20 years, is an early 40ish Jewish guy who lives on the upper West side. There are two other employees besides me - a woman accountant/office manager and a male project manager, both long-term employees. The workers are sub-contractors. TJG comes into the office once a month or so. Otherwise his driver picks up or drops off papers, checks, etc. And for those techies among you who are wondering...the three office people each have a computer and internet access. And we all three have a printer. There is no network. TJG does business with a Blackberry during the day and a home computer and fax at night. The phone system is about 15 years old. There's heat, but no central air. Oh, and the bathroom? A tiny powder room facility located at the end of a LONG UNheated hallway. At least there's a space heater.

When I got there, TJG terminated the receptionist so he could save her salary. Guess who's answering the phone.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. This is his desk. And the rest of the office (except what I've managed to clean up in the last 7 days) looks exactly the same. Too bad you can't see the mouse droppings in the photo. But they are there. Oh boy, are they there.

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