Baby Names

4:17 p.m.

Speaking of baby names (and you know we were) you asked about my favorites. Instead of that, I�ll list the kid's favorites as they wrote them on the napkin at dinner on Thursday evening. Jarred was polling waitresses, and bartenders for their suggestions � as his English/Greek name suggestions kept getting shot down (I mean, "IGOR"??)

Kit (Catherine, but shortened)

A lovely bunch, isn�t it? And some could be boy or girl names. The little one will have three last names. So everything needs to go together.

When I was a youngster I had a favorite boy�s name. In fact, it was such a favorite I renamed my �Ken� doll with the name. And the oddest thing of all is that Gabriel�s real name IS that name I�ve loved all my life. Maybe that's why I like saying his name out loud.

And here�s their little dog, Charlie � the current baby of the family � at 5-1/2 months. (Jarred actually did get to name him!!) So smart � can already sit, lay down, fetch toys by name, and will sit quietly, even while yummy food bits are being dropped on the floor around him, until told it is OK. Hey, wonder if I can talk them into giving me the dog!!!


On a more interesting subject, I am always appalled at some people�s taste. I live in a neighborhood of million (yes, that�s six zeros) dollar homes. And this, poppets, was waiting for me upon my return from San Diego. One of the neighbors does it EVERY DARN CHRISTMAS, and this year it bigger than ever. I swear, it gives me the willies. And when the air machines are turned off they just lay there in clumps, limbs stirring in the wind. Like a field of dead and dying latex soldiers.

And this...this...whatever, are the photos on a designer�s web site for cashmere sweaters that cost well over $175 each. Yes, I would certainly buy one of these expensive, designer, original sweaters. Wouldn�t you? EEEEWWWWWW.

I rest my case

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