
radiogurl - 2005-07-09 11:53:40
Thanks for the info on the efax - we have that at work but I had already been thinking of doing that for home, too! I think the fax situation is strictly a case of needing to tighten connections - everything else is working so it almost has to be something simple...
radiogurl - 2005-07-09 11:54:14
Oh - and good luck with the ad! Let me know if you get any takers! ;)
bridy - 2005-07-09 12:32:31
i was just wondering who did your layout design and coding... if you could spare the time please email me the url to thedesign site. i like yours.... thankyou ...
Lauren - 2005-07-09 15:19:09
I love sailing and now have some serious boat envy.

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