
hissandtell - 2005-07-20 20:44:59
Gracious, darling. Anyone we know? Love, R xxx
jay - 2005-07-21 02:47:07
oh lordy! is it hot in here, or is it just me? do believe i shall need an ice cold shower.... ;) ***HUGGLES*** love & kindness to you cherub xox's =^..^=
wildrosie - 2005-07-21 03:04:30
Oh...Oh my. I guess technically it's "R" rated. *Squirming in my seat* Look what that bad boy started. I'll bet we're in for a spate of naughtiness from all of us D'landers. I hope! But I must say, that was well written my dear! Hugs ~Rosie~
wildrosie - 2005-07-21 14:56:33
I agree, a round of tag is in order! I think darling Hiss could open our eyes! *Grin* ~Rosie~
wendy - 2005-07-22 04:49:12
lol so naughty :O

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