
Poolagirl - 2005-10-31 13:03:45
You are definitely HMS Pie Rat material! Most absolutely! You need a hat to prove it. I'll save some for when you are here in November! AHOY!
Lauren - 2005-10-31 14:46:05
Way back when I went to sailing camp and we entered a regatta and were promptly disqualified for hitting the judge's boat. Sheesh - it's not like we were aiming for them or anything. Isn't sailing great? And I still have an indentation on my right shin from the evil boom.
radiogurl - 2005-10-31 18:00:49
Darn. Remind me never to go sailing with you, or anyone else for that matter, LOL!
mehiel - 2005-11-01 22:37:08
I swear I served someone who looked just like you at my store, today. It was eerie.

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