
wildrosie - 2005-11-29 13:15:46
I wasn't being TOO graphic with my hand motions, was I? And the only reason I kept getting up to get drinks was because there was a young fellow with a cute butt standing right there. Every time I passed him, I got to pat his bottom and ask him to let me by. He could have moved away, but he stayed there! *Singing* Thank Heavens, for cute guy's butts, you can pat them in the most delightful ways...~Rosie~
Smed - 2005-11-29 13:57:20
Sounds like a fun ol' time, whilst we're here in the cold and gray and wind.
art - 2005-11-29 14:13:21
hehehe!!! bj techniques!!! thats wild!! i can only guess as to findlays secret identity!!! ta daa!!
Pam - 2005-11-29 15:54:08
I know exactly what you mean about D-landers not being strangers - I've felt that instant "we're already practically family" feeling when I met Batten and so many others. It is odd and wonderful.
radiogurl - 2005-11-29 16:43:00
Well, you know how to reach me when you need a shoulder to cry on, or someone to brag to, or someone to say, "What? Nicim drinking... as in alcohol? Nope, didn't see anything like that. Much." And I *do* keep my site PG. I have had kids reading my page, though the ages they were, doubtful they'd have been corrupted by a reference to a bj, lol.
Mehiel - 2005-11-30 00:02:32
But I -am- worried! I want you to be happy. You deserve your Twelfth of Never! To hell with deadlines and dates: suit up in your shining armor and go rescue your prince. I'm glad you had a chance to meet some other D-Landers, though. Did you gossip about D-Land with the D-Landers? When I met Christian (mcearstix), we talked about other diarists. It felt...meta-fictional. But it made me so happy to meet another D-Lander. Just to make a real connection and show someone the setting I'd only ever written about, before.
fightn4life - 2005-11-30 08:27:07
How totally awesome to meet in person some of your Diary Land friends. Someday I would love to have that experience, some of my cyber buddies I hold closer to my heart than 3D friends where I currently live. I am not so open with my innermost thoughts and feelings, very few if any readers of my diary are from the state I live in. I have family and friends from other states that keep in touch through my ramblings. Thanks for sharing your awesome experience. Sandyz
Bucket - 2005-11-30 20:17:54
I still say radiogurl had more wine than she there! And dang how I wish I could have been there for the techniques class, as of course I am clueless! And honey, remember it was thru believing in Tink that we all helped in bringing her back to life. Keep believing in your twelfth of....sometime soon when you least expect it!
Connie - 2005-12-01 01:40:29
Sounds like you had a great time. I envy you. All of you, for finding such great friends in each other. It's a truly priceless treasure.
Pfirsich - 2005-12-01 07:41:49
Yeah,I also wanted to hear it.

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