
radiogurl - 2005-12-24 10:49:29
That does it. I'm phoning you this morning with the hugest selection of truly tacky man-bashing jokes I can provide - and believe you me, I have a collection of them. I wish we lived closer together: we'd be having a blast, the hell with the Scrooges and Mister Lucky's of the world!!
Poolagirl - 2005-12-24 11:52:04
Drop kick his ass down the street! What a fuck! Don't get me near him! I was on the receiving end of nothing once in a work situation, and it is absolutely HORRIFIC to do that to somebody. I doubt if Mr. Lucky is hurting for cash! Bastard! Sorry. Sometimes I just have to express myself.
Smed - 2005-12-24 13:44:17
The last Shelby Foote should have narrated that massacre of the inflatables at your neighbor's house. Stay sane, if'n you can!
Muffin - 2005-12-24 13:46:28
That was terrific! Holiday massacre- i love it.
Curiouoso* - 2005-12-24 13:51:48
Merry Christmas, I think you're the best! So caring and empathetic. Well I gotta go, Everyone is sick as a dog (except Mr. Midnite, the dog!)and I'm going to a movie to avoid The hacking, puking crying children. Then it'll be time for Santa to put out all the presents for all the unexpected guests. another year older, Curiouoso*
chocolate chaos - 2005-12-24 14:15:47
yea poola is scary when she expresses herself! lol maybe you could go stay at the neighbors, and reinflate the army
awittykitty - 2005-12-24 14:57:58
Is mr. lucky's first name ebeneezer by any chance? My boss got me a red velvet box with a christmas ornament in it. I just saw them at the dollar store today, but you know what? That didn't really matter since this is a non=profit agency and she gave it with a heart-felt hand written note.
Shelly - 2005-12-24 17:15:31
Have a great holly-day sweety!!! Sorry for the lateness factor of the sentiment... Alas... Better late than never... And it's not quite too late yet... {{{{hhhuuuuggggsssss}}}}
hissandtell - 2005-12-24 18:10:48
Monkey guarding the bananas? That's putting the goat in charge of the garden, as it were! (Did the cleaver-wielding simian slip out and slaughter the neighbours' pretties? And, incidentally, what kind of wreath are you going to make for them? A "RIP for your dearly-departed lawn ornaments" one?) Oh, darling, I'm so glad you can make a joke of things. Have a wonderful time with Michelle, eat lots and just keep smiling - there's nothing men hate more than being laughed at! Love, R xxx
Pfirsich - 2005-12-26 07:59:46
Haha,true,men don�t like that! Yesterday my brother came over with his current girlfriend and she made a spelling mistake when labeling a CD.She wrote Tombraider with two oo�s.So my dad and brother all start making smart ass comments about it,well,not harsh ones or anything,and I say to her:Hey,you pulled a good one on that,cause,you know what leads to a boy�s heart? Making him look smarter than you!!!! And my brother is like:GRRRRRRRRRRRR! Shut the fuck up,K! And she is like:Whoa,hey,that�s true,you got something going on there,girl!!!------You know:case and point!!
wildrosie - 2005-12-26 13:36:51
OK, thanks for the great visual. I love the fallen Christmas Icons on the neighbor's lawns. I'll write more in an e-mail darlin'...Hugs and loves!
candoor - 2005-12-30 09:54:51
you'll hear more of my thoughts in my email... no matter what you have to give up, and after all these years and his behaviors, it might not be that much, your dignity and psyche are worth it any price... I hope you don't let him drag you down much longer... make 2006 a new year for life for you :)

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