
Poolagirl - 2006-01-03 10:54:24
Gosh, it looks so nice on your template! Thanks for asking me to post. Check your mail. Gift arriving soon.
hissandtell - 2006-01-03 18:26:31
Yes, entries about fruit *are* indeed timeless. And for at reason alone I feel compelled to share the lyrics of Al Stewart's most excellent "A Small Fruit Song": "Said the apple to the orange, 'Oh I wanted you to come / close to me and kiss me to the core / Then you might know me like no other orange / Has ever done before'." So just you remember, missies: Even hissing watermelons have tender feelings. Epecially when you, um, cleave them. Love, R xxx
radiogurl - 2006-01-05 09:23:09
Well darn - I nearly missed this! I'll have to keep all of the details of hissing and rocking watermelons in mind when I go shopping.
candoor - 2006-01-05 13:04:51
lol (I am supposed to be laughing, right?... I mean, I don't want to be rude laughing at your hardship... being atacked by fruit may not be funny to the one being attacked... I don't think Monty Python covered what to do when watermelons attack... did you have a banana?

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