
Pfirsich - 2006-01-07 16:40:31
Oh,I loved this a lot!
chocolate chaos - 2006-01-07 17:25:48
it sure sounds like an easy dream to interpret.. but i dont do that sort of thing. hugs
Mehiel - 2006-01-07 20:04:56
Sounds like you're quickly realizing how meaningless and futile certain "games" are in life. You just want people to be real, tell the truth, and quit hiding behind the "rules," right?
radiogurl - 2006-01-07 20:49:24
Please email me the dream; I see several things right off the bat but need time to arrange them into a coherent response and to fill in some details. *Hugs*
Erika - 2006-01-07 23:38:07
sounds like the situation with your mr. lucky and the whole money and wanting to get out, but feeling like the rules are pretty much stacked against you, but there is a slim chance, you'll get by. just my opinion. xox.
Smed - 2006-01-07 23:57:56
Somehow, this is a dream that has shifted into entropy, somehow. You can't win, but you must play. Hmmm. Liz was a psych grad student, mebbe she knows.
Pfirsich - 2006-01-08 07:11:55
Well,I didn�t think this was a real dream,only literature,cause,it�s not spooky at all,you know,not wonderous.But I thought of relationships.And throwing the ball is talking.And hitting you with the ball is hurting you or whatever.But,I wouldn�t know what the wall stands for then.Usually dreams catch me so much,they catch my attention,but this didn�t at all!!!! Usually,when someone tells me a dream I go:wow!! You know,like when you see a miracle. Only this here didn�t feel like it at all.Like,I can�t read anything into it,you know? It�s still fun interpretening it even if it�s not real. I think it�s fun. I just don�t get what you want. I don�t get what this is about.Which is not a PROBLEM,like,I don�t care,but,I�m saying I just don�t feel you. What�s in it for you? That�s what I don�t see in the dream aswell. You know? The dream doesn�t make sense at all.Just feelings-wise.Just from a feelings point of view.From rational point of view I�m sure you could interpret things into it. It�s just soo blunt or something!! I�m not getting it. This is like my little kid brother trying to be smarter than I. And,like I said,I�m not getting it. If you want something from me,then cool. That�s a game I like. You want something from me,you come at me about it,I give it. That�s a game I know. But here,I don�t see what you WANT.
Pfirsich - 2006-01-08 07:12:51
Do you even understand my plea? Do you know what I want from you?
Pfirsich - 2006-01-08 07:13:59
I�m not getting you,you know,but that�s not what I want,I want to get you.I want to see you.I don�t want you to be like a riddle,but like plain and simple,you know,so an idiot can see it.As simple as that,that�s what I like!
candoor - 2006-01-08 21:17:41
you can win anything you put your mind to - you just have to realize you want it enough...
Pfirsich - 2006-01-09 07:40:19
That�s not true,Candoor! At least I wouldn�t see it that way. You cannot gain anything that�s not there for you,that�s not made for you. "You have to realize you want it enough"-that is not describing a realistic situation.There is not time when you have to realize it first that you want something.The wanting is acting immediatly.You can�t make yourself want something.Wanting is like primal!! Either you want or you don�t. I think what�s necessary in life is to realize what you want.And then your way will be easy.-OK,maybe that�s what you said anyway.--You can�t take anything in life,just what is given to you.You understand where I�m going?
Pfirsich - 2006-01-09 07:51:38
Wanting is like craving and craving is automatic. Otherwise it would be "trying". When you are talking,C,it�s always so "final",like it matters.I just mean the way.The way you drop the words down. Like,there is no doubt! When you speak,just the act of speaking,then there is no doubt. Right? I would say I myself am doubting much more,and through you I�ve learned to be more clear and final.So,I say that wanting,and goal are also final,otherwise they are not real. If you don�t want something forever,or if you don�t want it right now,immediatly,then it�s not true,then you don�t want that thing at all.And you can�t make yourself want and desire that thing more,you can�t talk yourself into it.If you tell yourself you want something,but only later,then it just means that you want something else MORE than this.That this first option is just your number 2 on the list.And the number one is something else.Wanting,that just means by nature:right now.That�s what the word is about.----I don�t know.I think this applies to jobs and also to relationships.If you want to know what your dream job is then you don�t want to spend more time doing something else.Maybe if you don�t have a dream job or whatever.I�m not getting itWhen you want something you KNOW it.If you are indifferent,that means you don�t want it,I would think.Or what is your point of view here?

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