
radiogurl - 2006-02-06 14:12:24
*Grins* Me likey. And I'm also not in the least bit surprised. As is often the case, he who toots his own horn is often blowing out of the wrong end - and the smell gives it away, too. ;)
Lara - 2006-02-07 11:05:02
sorry. I'm a sideline reader. I'm so very rarely on d'land these days I don't let myself be known. But I know your stories - I read them as though they're a book that will be burned, and I need to devour them. So my question - how did he react?
candoor - 2006-02-08 00:16:56
I remember these tests... used to play with them for fun... I've fallen asleep a few times catching up tonight (took the night off cuz I was cleaning all day cuz the carpet cleaners are coming tomorrow so I haven't slept since Monday), so I took longer than the time limit I guess :)
Mehiel - 2006-02-08 09:12:40
I'm just surprised you got him to do the test at all. I thought he'd make much more of a fuss. And thank you for the note! I will let you know about the visa situation. :)

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