
x-plicity - 2006-02-08 09:27:35
I was born in 79 and I agreed with EVERYTHING on that list. Except the street light thing. I had to be home before the coyotes started crying. I'm from south texas....
art - 2006-02-08 09:27:39
i just checked my buddy list!!! ya right, you aint on there!!! you were on there, i dont know what happened!!! aggggg!! im really really sorry!! i will put ya back up on my buddy list. i didnt realise that your name went *poof* on the list. the only thing i can think of is you got accidently deleted when i added someone. im trying to keep my list alphabetical. again, im really sorry about this.
fightn4life - 2006-02-08 10:05:04
Thank you so much for this entry, I loved it. I was born in the early 50's and laughed so much as the memories came flooding back. I am going to race through the house with pointy scissors just because I can. Sandyz
art again! - 2006-02-08 10:06:38
oh man!! that hit the nail right on the head!! speaking of nails, i stepped on a nail on a dare when i was 6!!! it went clean thru, and i howled!! we went to hospital, the doc sez" boys will be boys" and got the nail out, gave me a shot. (howled again!) "learn ya lesson, young man?" "yes sir"! and that was that!! child services were not called, and that was that!! woo!!
Smed - 2006-02-08 10:23:53
I wonder how I survived, really.
radiogurl - 2006-02-08 21:21:17
I agree but take it one step further... A college student at a recent USC football game challenged a senior citizen sitting next to him, saying it was impossible for their generation to understand his. "You grew up in a different world," the student said loud enough for everyone around them to hear. "Today we have television, satellite positioning, jet planes, space travel, man has walked on the moon, our spaceships have visited mars, we even have nuclear energy, electric and hydrogen cars, cell phones and computers with high-speed processing." Taking advantage of a pause in the student's litany, the geezer said, "You're right. We didn't have those things when we were young; so we invented them, you little twit! What the hell are you doing for the next generation?"
Pfirsich - 2006-02-09 08:46:03
It must have been so boring,living without TV and stuff.You didn�t get much input,the circle was so small.
g - 2006-02-09 09:18:53
wow... that's all so true. I was born at the tail-end of the 60s... and I remember ALL of that and more.
candoor - 2006-02-10 17:03:13
the down side of the amazing stimulation of today is that for too many lazy minds, imagination is gradulally being replaced by vegetation because so many would rather do and think what they are told to do and think than leap into the unknown with only their wits about them... the pioneer spirit, such a vital archetype for human advancement, is left for the few highly educated and highly motivated specialists while the rest of us sit back, watch TV, and eat snacks... I love movies, but life should be more than watching...

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