
Smed - 2006-03-14 19:37:30
I love daffodils
hissandtell - 2006-03-14 19:40:42
Happy, happy birthday, darling. I hope the year brings you (and your angel) all the bliss your dreams dare ever to wish for. Love, R xxx
Poolagirl - 2006-03-14 21:06:20
The most lovely symbol of new beginnings.
radiogurl - 2006-03-14 21:49:17
I don't recall if I told you or not, through the haze of all that's been happening - but happy birthday to you *hugs* I hope that somewhere in everything that's happening you are able to find a little bit of beauty and a little bit of joy - only the precursors of much more ahead.
Mehiel - 2006-03-14 23:58:35
Did you know that you have the same birthday as Albert Einstein? You must have learnt that by now. Still, I thought I'd mention it. I echo Hiss and Radiogurl's sentiments wholeheartedly--my wishes for you are at the end of my latest entry. :)

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