
radiogurl - 2006-03-18 15:16:25
Only in Florida... or Argentina, where if I remember right, their alternative to the White House is the Pink House.
liz - 2006-03-18 16:03:30
HEHEHEH I used to live in St. Petersburg so this just cracked me up. I forgot about things like that.
art - 2006-03-18 16:44:16
california too!!!!
fightn4life - 2006-03-18 17:13:23
EEks, lovely? Yes? I cannot wait to make my Florida trip come September or October I'll keep that reminder of what I'll be seeing. Some how here in the mountains I had forgotten. Hum... Sandyz
hissandtell - 2006-03-18 17:33:30
It wouldn't be out of place in Jaipur, either...or Queensland! Flamingo pink is such a divine colour, isn't it? Love, R xxx
Zon - 2006-03-18 17:58:05
Needs lawn flamingos.
elyse - 2006-03-18 18:31:55
I think its cute.
Poolagirl - 2006-03-18 21:07:56
It's rather festive. I just expect Heidi or Barbie to come flying out of the front door.
Lisa - 2006-03-19 02:12:04
They name that the flying creampuff?
Pfirsich - 2006-03-19 03:42:53
Smed - 2006-03-19 09:47:23
Ye Gods!
Mehiel - 2006-03-19 10:27:43
Hey, I'm just glad you're not in any of those brushfires!

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