
fightn4life - 2006-05-21 23:35:08
Thanks, nice to know I am not alone in weirdness. Really you do not seem weird at all. Well the eating too fast...although I am bored when it comes to eating so I eat while walking around. Weird maybe?? Sandyz
radiogurl - 2006-05-21 23:50:42
Those aren't weird. I could post weird but not tonight. Thanks for calling this weekend - had the timing not been off, I'd probably have told you a lot more but it was just one of those things...
Zon - 2006-05-22 12:27:12
Heh, when I saw the battery-operated banner ad, I HAD to give you the click! Too funny. But, ummmm, I disagree. I can replace a man with my own hands all the time. No one is as good with me as I am! (No, I am not kidding, and if you knew my "number," you wouldn't debate it with me. Trust me.) Seriously, though, cleaning house before a trip and buying what fits and flatters in several colors is not strange. It's what I do! Ummmm, wait, maybe that wasn't quite as reassuring as I'd like it to be. . .
Kungfukitten - 2006-05-23 01:57:12
Hello! I came here via your battery operated banner. I just looked at my feet and my second toes are the longest as well. So I did a little googling and discovered that reading the feet is called "podomancy" here's what it says: "A big second toe that sticks out above the rest on the right foot means that you're full of ambition. When such a toe appears on the left foot, you're full of feeling. You are someone who deals with more than one thing at the same time. You are very bad at cleaning up. Whenever you tend to organise your desk, the result is a mess again after a few hours of working. While you are busy with one thing, a new idea pops up and, before you know it, you have lost interest in what you were doing. Your attention fluctuates between what you are doing and what you want to do. You harmonise best with people whose toes are in a straight line, without any toe sticking out." I thought you might enjoy that. :)
boann7 - 2006-05-23 11:59:53
i was tagged by swimmer so my weird things are up. hey, you're just pretty weird too. ;)

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