
Poolie - 2006-06-18 11:42:48
Sending you love and hugs and all kinds of wonderful energy.
Rosietoes - 2006-06-18 11:52:17
Whoo Hoo! Let's hope it is lots and lots of loverly 22 KT gold jewelry! Just as good as cash! And sorry for the ass kicking darlin', but you know you enjoyed it. Really, really you did. I mean, secretly inside. I mean, I had better stop having no sleep and then drinking 6 cups of coffee... I think I'm going to try to sleep now.
radiogurl - 2006-06-18 12:41:43
I'm glad for the kicking, if it got you out of the funk. I know how frustrating it is but really... You can and should hold onto some faith. Things will work out as they're meant to do. You simply have to hold on *Hugs*
fightn4life - 2006-06-18 14:03:59
I love the photo of your dad and I am guessing you are one of the pretty little ones. :) I'd tell Lucky Man where to put his jewelry, but that is me...I am not much into shiny things from the devil. LOL Sorry I wanted to be mean just for a moment. I do hope it is nice and you can get lots of running cash from what ever he brings. Sandyz

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