
Samantha - 2007-10-29 08:30:58
the entry is obviously no longer about Mr. Lucky.
Newlywed - 2007-10-29 10:15:24
Silence is by far the worst way to unjur a person. ... I'm sorry that you understand this...sorry that I understand you. But so, so very glad you're coming back to us.
Jenn - 2007-10-29 11:59:48
Silence is the unkindest. It's cruel and wrong. And it leaves the ending unfinished. I'd rather have blows and harsh words. At least then you know EXACTLY why it's over. I'm glad you're done with both. You deserve so much more. Neither was never worthy of the least of your tears, darlin'. hang in there. -J
Blue Opal - 2007-10-29 20:59:11
Silence is the road taken only by cowards. Which, unfortunately, encompasses the vast majority of men. Lucky for women, we are vastly stronger and more resilient than the worst men can dish out. After all you've endured, you're still alive, intact and moving on with your life. You have no recriminations to face for daring to love. Those who wronged you will discover the truth of karma, whether in this life or the next.
Shippie - 2007-10-30 12:45:21
Keep dreamin girl! Good to see you writing again. Don't know if you know I have a new page....bucketland is closed!
Rosietoes - 2007-10-30 15:34:30
Ha! Well Done! You caught me with your banner! Remember, men are always pigs!
candoor - 2007-10-31 00:58:51
so I find myself wandering old haunts as the brain wants to play in spite of the hour and long very busy day tomorrow... and i find you are here again (your email worked, albeit with the usual subconscious-delay that everything in my brain seems to be on in recent years)... I am so very proud and excited for you and any day now you will be too (if you are not already)... lick the wounds for they are so deep that they may never completely heal and that is ok, because we are all tattoed by our past whether we remember, notice, or acknowledge it or not... our tats give us our individuality and beauty... throw a profound pity-party for a little while if that helps (it always helps me), but remember that you are precious, beautiful, intelligent, creative, courageous, and powerful - and you just proved it well this week, no matter how it may feel at the moment... i am here if you want to chat, talk, or just run around the theme parks and be the carefree child still bubbling and being reborn inside of you... and when you are ready to celebrate your life again, count me in... YAY YOU! and much love.
Mehiel - 2007-11-11 14:57:38
Hey, I'm just happy that you are gone from VA forever. One thing at a time. You can do this.

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