Nature's Little Messages

10:44 p.m.

How remarkable. I just completed transferring hundreds of songs previously on my audio cassettes to my computer as MP3 s.

Which means they can be transferred to CD, or my phone, or my little audio player, or whatever (and thanks, Dave for the Commander Cody and George Thorogood songs - I had completely forgotten about them). And I'm starting on my 45's and long play LP's and albums next. There are few of them, but more time-consuming as you have to change records every 3 minutes on the 45's. (good time to watch Boardwalk Empire episodes on my computer).

And two things occured to me. First - why do I have this compulsion to save these tracks. I will never listen to them all again and I have favorites.

Second, the last times I felt this driven to "clean up" my environment was when I was about to give birth, when I was leaving Mr. Lucky for the disaster which is New Jersey, and when I wasn't sure how long I had to live.

Hmmmm, is nature trying to tell me something and I'm just not listening?

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