
chocolate chaos - 2005-08-22 14:05:22
the man does that to me... takes me out to a bar and sits and talks to everyone but me. people have asked where his wife is, and he says, "oh shes right there" and they have to ASK him to introduce me to them... small wonder i dont go out with him anymore.
radiogurl - 2005-08-22 19:57:10
I can see why you'd not bother going out often, at least not with Mr. Lucky. I hope that Findlay lives up to your hopes at least in his desire to be with you. Other things can be negotiable, but if he only wants you around him for an hour a day or so, you're no better off than you are staying put.
second-love - 2005-08-23 01:24:37
The Robin Williams quote is classic and SO true *smile*
candoor - 2005-08-23 16:39:21
you quoted Robin Williams, as if I need any more reason to love you... you're stuck with me, computer or no computer... I hope to have another laptop next month, by October, if I remember go get my lazy butt out to the computer show next month... until then, I'm missing my big green chair, but dealing with the leather reclining bucket seat that sits in front of my desktop... I'm addicted, didn't you know? :)
heliotrope - 2005-08-29 12:06:51
I utterly adore your diary. You write beautifully.

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