
Mehiel - 2005-09-23 14:15:26
Believe me, I know. For the longest time, I thought I would never survive Robert and I being apart. Each time we met up, and then had to part with each other to continue our respective lives, it felt as though I were an antique vase. Each time I had to say goodbye, it was like another fissure opened inside, and I grew weaker and weaker. But the days passed, slowly but surely, and soon I made my cross-country move. And here I am, not once having regretted my decision.
radiogurl - 2005-09-23 15:17:58
As you well know, I am in perfect understanding - of the frustration, the self-doubt and self-recriminations, the nagging worries warring with an equally-strong consciousness that this is right. My situation, obviously, was not right. But that's the one positive aspect to waiting - six months from now, you will be with Findlay. You will both have a stronger basis than I ever had, and have built a shared support system. You're right: you don't know everything yet, haven't experienced many things. But when you do, you will both be enriched by the time you're spending now to build a solid foundation.
Poolagirl - 2005-09-23 15:55:10
You are an amazing writer!
Chris - 2005-09-23 22:05:56
Reading this entry felt like reading words within my own soul. I understand perfectly how you feel. My Ryan and I are the same way... separate by 1200 miles of geography, but joined together in a beautifully woven web of emails, IMs, and phone conversations. I think it just makes us more appreciative of the little things that everyone else takes for granted. You know, being able to see the person, or hug them, whenever you want. Our hugs mean so much more because we can't have them all the time. **HUGS!!**
childinside - 2005-09-24 05:02:34
I want you and Findlay to adopt me :)
candoor - 2005-09-24 05:04:16
you get the prize for bringing tears to my eyes more than any other online writer... you sure you're mother didn't have another kid and put him up for adoption? :}
Charwater - 2005-09-24 09:35:49
Reading this is like reading whats happening with me and my guy. U are a really good writer I think. But... be glad that u can be together then. Its worth the waiting. Because you can keep it up so long without all these little things that are so important. And indeed.. when u can hug him and see how he lives its more special then it could ever have been. But I know how it is. All the goodbye's arent to meet again tmrw, and that can be painfull.

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