
radiogurl - 2005-12-30 11:56:21
I was Jen once - and I learned to stand alone. Now I'm trying to learn to stand *with* someone. It's a challenge, as you well know. I wish her well and applaud your comments. You may have saved more than one life.
Chris - 2005-12-30 18:53:00
Again, inspirational. Your words touch more people than you know, I'm sure. **HUGS!!**
fightn4life - 2005-12-31 07:36:41
I too was Jen many years ago and one day through words from a stranger I was given the courage to make changes, find a safe haven in another state and give my children a chance to see the world in a new light. Times were tough, money scarce, but we were safe. This "stranger" just happed to be a woman I was talking to while waiting on her at a restaurant. I too had lied to friends about visible signs of abuse. This person had been down that dark road herself although she never let on she knew about my unconvincing "car accident." Her insight pierced my heart and within the year I made the hard choice, enough. I can not thank this person as I never saw her again but I can thank you and many others that share their lives thus passing courage off to help other people in similar situations. Thank you for helping, you never know who might benefit from your sorrows when voicing them. Some how it makes our past a bit more doable knowing we are not alone and can make positive changes. I hope you have an awesome New Year. And thanks again for giving the inspiration to many of the "Jens" in the world. Sandyz
wildrosie - 2005-12-31 13:30:20
I have worried about Jen for months, hoping and praying that she found the courage in your words to change her life. I am in tears right now, tears of joy that she did manage to choose her freedom from her abuser. Jen darling, if you read this, I know that life won't always be easy, but I am proud of you darlin' ~Rosie~
candoor - 2005-12-31 13:49:35
yay you!... hope I wasn't too hard on you (you get close to me and you start seeing how hard I can be on myself and those closest often get caught in the crossfire because the caring inspires me to get more serious)... you remain a wonderful inspiration and I am so happy I've found you and you've accepted me and keep in touch :)

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