
radiogurl - 2006-01-28 18:34:37
I can honestly say that in this case, MC and I have each discussed frankly what we want and need in a relationship - after first clarifying that we both WANT a relationship, which hasn't been the case with a lot of the men I've encountered. It's sometimes difficult to articulate; but if you don't communicate your needs, you're doomed to not having them met.
fightn4life - 2006-01-29 01:59:02
I loved this entry as I was reminded to ask hubby, "what do you need," our relationship has endured many tragedies but this time he feels so distant. He walked me through the darkness when I lost my nine year old grandchild but today I felt through the darkness of his world and could not reach him. Thank you for this post. I feel so alone. Sandyz
Bucket - 2006-01-29 15:21:22
Well put sweety. I think too what gets forgotten is not just asking our partners what they need....but stating to them as well what it is that WE need.
candoor - 2006-02-07 21:40:20
wisdom, as usual...

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