
Poolagirl - 2006-02-18 21:07:16
Dump him - before it's too late.
chocolate chaos - 2006-02-19 05:33:34
was it ever there to begin with? you seem more like his maid than his mate
Mehiel - 2006-02-19 10:20:03
When oh when are you moving out? This guy makes my teeth ache.
Zon - 2006-02-19 13:32:03
Ouch. Eek. ACK! No, no, no no. See, I've been clicking around and now I think I have everything down--always hard to come into a well-established diary--or I wouldn't say this: but yikes, that reminds me of the months immediately preceding my separation. My ex is a good guy, but what Chocolate Chaos says resonates. More maid than mate. 'Tis an awful feeling, to gnash one's teeth every single day.
Mehiel - 2006-02-19 15:04:22
*hugs* Thank you for the comment. I understand completely. I wish I could just, I don't know, magnetize you and Findlay, so that you would have no choice but to snap together. I want you two to have the same kind of happiness that I do. I was young and dumb and lucky--I stumbled into it. Maybe because of my age, I was able to simply trust, or at least more willing to make mistakes. (Maybe I'm just too innocent.) The stakes are higher for you two. But, with the stakes so high, it seems even more appropriate to shoot the moon. Take the gamble. If Findlay's current experiences prove anything, it's that life is short. Too short. As Chuck Palahniuk said: "This is your life, and it's ending one minute at a time." Why wait? In a world in which the bottom can drop out from under you, a world full of hurricanes and car bombs and killer viruses, why wait? Who has the time to put their own life on hold?
radiogurl - 2006-02-19 15:32:38
Too bad Mr Lucky isn't a hunter. You could set him up to join Cheney.
TItsosaurus Rex - 2006-02-19 19:21:40
I see now that you signed my guestbook a while ago. Pleased to meet you and wonderous to hear you read my writings. I am off to read a bit of yours now. Hope your day is well.
Shelly - 2006-02-19 20:31:34
It must havbe slipped when he was looking for the cereal, lightbulbs, AND on the windshield of the car for the registration... OH wait... YOU did that... It must have just SLIPPED... You really are TOO good too him and FOR him... (((hugs)))

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