
Smed - 2006-04-29 19:50:05
Now, go through HD wearing VS without anything else! Heh. What kind of service would you get then!
G - 2006-04-29 22:16:59
Damn, you just ruined it for me. Home Depot is the MAN'S department store. Everytime E goes INTO the Depot, he goes right to the bathroom. Apparently, they have a stall with his name on it. (Don't tell him I told you that, he'd kill me... hehe)
hissandtell - 2006-04-29 22:35:52
Oh, I hear you, sister. Our equivalent is Bunnings Warehouse and I snuffle and paw the ground with unbridled delight whenever I enter one. Why, I got a snazzy new cordless drill just the other day with all sorts of marvellous attachments, and my husband always seems terribly interested in sawhorses of a certain height, for some reason...also Sybian machines (no, wait, I may be thinking of the wrong store...) Love, R xxx
Mehiel - 2006-04-30 15:41:42
There's this DIY show on Canadian tv called "Me, My House, and I." You would adore it! It's this stand-up comedianne doing household projects all by herself, with this wonderful attitude. It's great.And thank you for your note. :)
radiogurl - 2006-04-30 16:40:09
OMG, it's official. We're astral twins. My sis and I are the same way - open the doors to Home Depot and clear the way. Maybe that's why I love living here: despite the relatively limited size of the town, we have our own freshly-minted, recently-opened Home Depot!

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