
Smed - 2006-05-09 15:28:09
WTF? He is part of your life, and your thoughts to him are yours. I like the love letters. The only reason I've dropped people were because I've run out of room and they haven't updated in like, forever. I feel bad when I do, and I always check the people who read me a couple times a week just to be sure I'm semi keeping up. Those are neat pics. She is GLOWING, and so are you! *HUG*
liz at joiedv - 2006-05-09 15:34:54
Bah, do you really need to worry about a buddy who wants to dictate what you write? You write beautifully, whatever your subject. And the loveletters are very romantic. Perhaps your ex-buddy does not appreciate romance.
Shelly - 2006-05-09 16:15:58
Ehhhhhh... Michelle is just humming right along in her pregnancy isn't she?? The two of you look beautiful together!!!!
Mehiel - 2006-05-09 16:21:37
I'm with Liz. Someone who tries to tell you what to write just isn't in this for the right reasons. And I hope to look as great as Michelle, one day, when I'm pregnant!
beauty4ashs - 2006-05-09 18:02:37
Different strokes for different folks, m'dear. Your diary is yours, to write as you wish, when you wish. No one else has a right to dictate - but we as writers extend that same option to our readers; read at will, dismiss at will. I don't worry when someone drops me because first and foremost, I write for myself. Anyone who is kind enough to read and comment is like a perfect scoop of ice cream at the end of the 4th of July fireworks!
hissandtell - 2006-05-09 19:35:41
Excuse me? A diary in which you write about yourself and those things and people that are important to you? Why, I never heard of such a thing! (And the photographs are gorgeous, as always. The ferry one made me think of "Working Girl" and now I'll be singing "Let the River Run" to myself all day...) Love, R xxx
Curiouoso* - 2006-05-10 00:04:14
Hey it's yours, you wrote it, it should be all about you and whatever you feel like saying, always. Your daughter is just glowing, aren't pregnant women so beautiful? Proud moms are beautiful too....Did you ever think you'd make a MILF list? Just kidding....It was obvious how wonderful you "look" (read are) long before I ever saw any pictures! I'm still waiting for you to show up out in these parts so Amy and I can meet you in person! Curiouoso*
Chris - 2006-05-10 03:34:34
Personally, I love what you write in your space. And if that "buddy" doesn't appreciate it, well, that's one less buddy you need! **HUGS!!**
fightn4life - 2006-05-10 09:23:47
I love reading your diary; it is about you and the love of your life. What does one want a confession each day? Anyway, don't change a thing you're writing is awesome I always look forward to reading when I see you update. Sandyz
Lauren - 2006-05-10 10:31:58
It is YOUR journal!! Jeebers!! While it is perfectly acceptable to decide that perhaps someone's journal is no longer your cup of tea, it is not necessary to detail out why that is the case. And also, thanks to hissy, I now have "Let the River Run" stuck in my head. She is so off my favorites list:)
wildrosie - 2006-05-10 19:27:48
Well, I'm a day late and a dollar short it seems, but I will agree with everyone else that a.)It's your Diary and you'll write what you want to (Sung to "It's My Party" a la Leslie Gore which should take the other song right out of everyone's head)) b.)Michelle and you both glow so brightly that I'm surprised you don't shame the sun. c.) That the other person has a right to not read if they so desire, but they are a dad-blamed idjit for dropping you. and d.) You made the MILF list long ago, and are now working on the GMILF list! Love and hugs darling!

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