Post No Bills

3:24 p.m.

A short while ago one of the folks on my Buddy List revised their template, adding one of those scrolling �Buddy/Favorite� lists. Knowing that I had been on their Buddy list for a while, I looked for my name (oh, quit it, you know you do exactly the same thing).

And I wasn�t there.

It had happened to another friend not long ago � redoing the template and forgetting some of the names � so I emailed asking �whassup?�

As you may have guessed, it was not unintentional. They had simply decided to remove me. Which, I�ll admit, one must expect in these environments. But the somewhat disconcerting addition to their return message was the why. Apparently this space contains nothing about me. It is little more than a love letter to Gabriel.


It bothered me for about a nanosecond. Because, as I have always told you, this space is mine. As such, I can write exactly what I want to write about. And sometimes it is about me. And sometimes it is about my love. And I don�t know that the two can be separated from each other.

Besides, anyone who reads here regularly cannot possibly believe this space contains nothing about me. PUH-LEASE. Is there even one of you out there that does not know more about me than you really ever wanted to know? I didn�t think so.

Along those lines � here�s two pics from last week�s trip to NY. Aren�t we cute?

Morgan � 29 weeks

Ferry from New York to Jersey City

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