
fightn4life - 2006-06-05 00:48:02
An awesome list...and you will experience all of it before you move on.. Sandyz
radiogurl - 2006-06-05 01:03:05
I agree with fightn4life - awesome list, wonderful idea! I intend to take up your version, m'dear!
ChemOsX - 2006-06-05 03:36:33
The Kangaroo thing is a little weird, though. They're just not that cool. And because of housing and stuff there's really not too much "natural" habitat left. But if you're down to see one, you should come visit me in Canberra. Hilarity. It'd be easy enough to go to black mountain and see one on the trail. Sinch. Catch, Z
hissandtell - 2006-06-05 09:45:51
We have thousands of skippies of several species living here on Chez Hiss (I'm not exaggerating - more than 50 000 is not uncommon in a good season, after good rains) and I sit in my office and gaze out the window and see many of the quieter ones who live around the house hopping by every afternoon on their way to drink at the duck pond. Even after all these years, they and their cute little pouches (the macropods, I mean - not the ducks, which don't have pouches as far as I can tell) never fail to delight me. I'm sure you'd love them too. Love, R xxx
Zon - 2006-06-05 11:01:43
Ooh, I like the horse-drawn sleigh idea. Really quite lovely.

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