
jenn - 2006-08-28 12:37:31
Pthbt! Raspberry! Love you. Hang in there. Call me if you need me, okay? Big hug. -me
x-plicity - 2006-08-28 13:17:20
I am one of those Lurkers.
Sandy - 2006-08-28 14:20:07
I admit that most of the time I am a lurker who makes an ocassional comment.
second-love or Split-heart - 2006-08-28 14:36:08
Im sometimes a lurker, sometimes not :))depends on my mood ;)
liz - 2006-08-28 15:16:50
Stopping to say hi, since I usually do not. You are on my buddy list though, so I feel identified, and not like a lurker. If that makes sense. It does to me! Want more? You write beautifully, have led an amazing life, wear your pathos on your sleeve, have a beautiful daughter and grandson, and I ache for your recovery. There, all caught up :)
evitalynn - 2006-08-28 17:20:26
Woah... I got really confused reading Spazs' comment.... I'm at work so really shouldn't be here, but since I am and saw the re-entry, I figured I'd better admit it to. I'm addicted to you. :) I love that you've not lost your hopeless romanticism through all the "real-life" stuff...keeps me hoping that I might be able to do it too!
radiogurl - 2006-08-28 18:39:17
I'm obviously no lurker, but I definitely know what you mean. When my diary gets thirty or forty visitors but not a single comment, I find myself wondering how badly I screwed up LOL.
rosietoes - 2006-08-28 20:13:10
Awww, c'mon, let's face it, we are comment whores! We want folks to say SOMETHING, ANYTHING! Just SAY it! Admit it, as you hit the enter button on an especially great (in your opinion) post, you eagerly await the first comments...because somehow, they validate what you have written. Here's the odd thing, sometimes when someone's post is especially moving, I fail to say anything, lest I sound like a crow in the midst of a nightingale's song. It is much easier to comment on something inane, you aren't so afraid of sounding silly.
Katy - 2006-08-29 06:48:53
I'm still quietly here.
Mehiel - 2006-08-29 11:12:55
I am a total comment whore, just as Rosie says. :P But I know exactly what you mean about wondering what makes some people comment and others not comment at all.
Kungfukitten - 2006-08-29 13:37:51
*high five* I was led here by your banner ad. I'm always amazed at what people will comment on and what they won't. I've written hysterically funny entries, entries bordering on the poetic and nothing. I write one entry on cat poop and suddenly everyone has something to say. Craziness.
fightn4life - 2006-08-30 03:16:11
I'm always lurking into another's thoughts. At times I have time to leave a footprint other times I need to rush out the door with pondering thoughts on my mind. Your diary is awesome...don't be discouraged by lack of comments. Sometimes there is little time. But�I do relate. ;) Sandyz
jamie! - 2006-08-30 14:56:28
I was drawn here by your banner. It made me happy. I agree with your entry as I too feel that way! *random hug from a random person!*
mpeacock - 2008-01-06 09:24:10
I only recently found your diary and I am going through your past enties "lurking?" I love the way you write! So if you see a lot of stats from BE (Belgium) that's me.

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