
Christine - 2007-12-01 10:41:18
WOW I could use to take lessons from you about how to get over and get on with life after a guy you want to far you sound like you are doing a good job at it...congrads at being so strong I envy you!!!! C.
nara mi - 2007-12-02 00:27:45
I was head over heals for this guy that had to serve in Iraq for 2 years, (while being there he decided he was coming home to another girl's arms cause... you know, he didn't really loved me) you can guess what was ALL that I got from TV those days? And even when I evaded news (duh) people at work kept talking about the latest casualties... it was a nightmare (and I was a walking wreck, I can now admit, depression and anxiety were my best friends to party with). I think I had never seen so much camo in my life. I'm just raising my glass over here in cheers for all the pictures that have been thrown away to get "over them".
Blue Opal - 2007-12-07 23:43:15
Good for you. You encounter a cancer on your heart, your only hope of survival is to surgically remove all traces. Sounds like you're doing precisely that. *Hugs*

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