
newlywedblis - 2008-01-03 15:18:03
It is sad. A lot of people have moved on... I know I asked around a bit after you left, trying to figure out what happened... but the people I asked about him were good about not talking. Maybe they didn't know, or maybe they just respected you both enough to let you tell the story if you wanted to. I dunno what the answer is, but thought I'd let you know that I've not found anyone talking about you in your absence. Oh, and thanks for adding me. I feel less like a stalker now. ;)
Amy - 2008-01-03 16:09:27
Well, personally, I am happy to see you back. I think that Diaryland is just getting quieter and quieter because there are a lot of other better options available.
chaos - 2008-01-03 16:44:03
Awww, don't beat yourself up over someone who has proved he isn't worth it. There are many more fish in the sea!
Jenn - 2008-01-03 16:45:41
I'm still here. Six, Zen and Eastportgrrl are all still here. We'd have gladly fought your battles for you if only you'd have let us. You are loved and cherished, not talked about negatively. At least not in my small circle. Big hug. -me
Poolie - 2008-01-03 18:07:02
And here's to "Julie" who thought you needed salvation yesterday: David Grayson says: "Commandment #1 of any truly civilized society is this: Let people be different."
Nikki - 2008-01-03 20:16:39
I'm still here, as well and you'll hear no negativity from my end. I think, truly, that Dland has just become a quiet place. Many have moved on to greener pastures and I have to admit that I've contemplated the same, for many reasons. Glad to see you back!!
HTB - 2008-01-03 20:32:50
I can definately relate to this. Every time I leave a group, or even one or two people, I wonder... Are they talking about me? If only I could be a fly on the wall... Not so sure its healthy, but its me. :) BTW I just found you and I really like your journal. I'll be back!
Pam - 2008-01-03 20:56:27
Yep - what Jenn said. Still here, still care, and still think you're beautiful inside and out.
liz - 2008-01-04 04:31:27
Still here, glad you are too. Living well is the best revenge, so just rejoice in your renewed health and don't worry about HIM.
Blue Opal - 2008-01-04 12:14:57
This, too will pass. The ones who left were the ones who were never really friends. Then again, some of us merely changed Diaryland names ;)
"Julie" - 2008-01-04 22:19:36
I am sorry that you are plagued with thoughts like that and that you have been hurt by people's mean comments about you. I think that is just plain mean. Maybe they are jealous of you. You are a beautiful woman with an equally beautiful personality. They feel rotten about themselves so they talk about people to try to make themselves feel better. Just curious - have you EVER even asked the Lord into your heart? Do you mind that I am reading you and commenting? I will respect your wishes and stop reading and commenting if you like.
newlywedblis - 2008-01-06 16:52:23
Oh my goodness gracious great balls of freakin' fire! This "Julie" person doesn't even post a link where you can read more about her? Eeeesh. I, too, consider myself a born again Christian, but at least I have the balls to say who I am, and admit that I'm not perfect. Julie, please understand that THIS is not the way to convince someone you are right... and salvation shouldn't be a club you beat a heartbroken woman over the head with.
"Julie" - 2008-01-07 15:12:44
Anna - it is not my desire to beat you over the head with anything - I just know what I've learned in my own life trusting Jesus and I want EVERYONE to have that too. I have experienced Joy like I've never known (a high that is stronger than any drug I've ever taken), freedom that I've never dreamed of having (a freedom to actually do right and make good decisions) and a love that surpasses all the love I've known put together (He has made me whole now and capable of receiving and giving love). Perfect is the LAST thing I am. Good grief! I'm wounded and scarred from head to toe from all the bad decisions (sin) I've made in my life. I've got more baggage than I care to think about. The good thing is that I can give that baggage to Him and in exchange I take on His burden, and it is VERY light. I was lost. Chaos in my mind. I didn't understand my purpose in life. I didn't really know whether Jesus was real or not. So I called upon Him by saying the sinners' prayer. AND BAM! Once I chose to believe Him, the chaos was gone in my head and I had instant redemption from all that crap I had done. I'm not perfect now but I don't 'set out to sin' anymore. I have peace in my head - no more thoughts keeping me up at night or causing anxiety. Please allow me to apologize if I've hurt you in any way, shape or form. I only wanted to deliver the Truth to you - Jesus will save you if you desire to be saved. That is all. He will pick you up, clean you off and set your feet upon solid ground. As for you - newlywedblis - I have no desire to come across as anything but a caring Christian who is reaching out to a person who don't know the Lord. I am not here to attract readers. I am here because I care about Anna. I care about her eternal destiny. I have found hope by being IN CHRIST and I wish nothing more than God's Love to touch the Lost. Anna, as I stated before, I will stop reading and commenting if you wish. Praying for you is my own business with the Lord.
Anne - 2008-01-08 07:03:42
I am here! I actually lost a lot of my buddies...stupid browser glitch, and I went back to work, so...much less time to keep up. I'm so glad you are back. I still think you'd be a good night out, heh.
Samantha - 2008-01-25 18:26:57
I do not need a god in order to feel joy, freedom, or love.

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