
Blue Opal - 2008-07-12 01:43:49
Therein lies the difference, indeed. For the second time in my life (the first time being when I dated 12 the FIRST time around) I am with someone for whom their primary interest doesn't surround, "Work and support me."
Curiouoso* - 2008-07-12 19:31:25
I'm so glad that you are happy. I guess that place must be really coming around since I was there. I still think you're the best! Curiouoso*
Miss Hiss - 2008-07-15 04:57:18
Squirrel? Well, how decadent of you! And how Central Park, Noo Yawk! (Kidding -- just googled it and now understand what you mean. [I think...]) Love, R xxx

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