
beanie - 2011-01-10 03:02:58
I hope at some time they see the errors that making judgements can bring.
poundheadhere - 2011-01-10 03:43:27
I pity your grandchildren and your daughter. That reaction is from her spouse's brainwashing, bet on it. And as such it will likely turn around in time, though doubtful it will do so before the damage is done to her children :(
Sandyz - 2011-01-16 06:37:13
This entry saddened me�life is way to short to be lead astray my a husband or wife. Had my soon t be ex had his way I would have cut all ties with my family�I am so glad I had the strength to pretty much tell him to go to hel*�my family is just that, family. Mom passed last March�I miss her more than any words could ever describe�we had our fiery times, and grand times�the bad times were quickly dismissed replaced my love. I can not understand for a second why your daughter has shut you out�doesn�t make sense. I would ask why but not really my business�what I know of you is that you are an awesome woman with a heart to die for. It just boggles the mind to make sense of this�please know my heart is with you. Those young babies need as much love as they can be given�it is so wrong to close the door to a loving grandma. Many {{{Hugs}}} I can only hope your daughter truly knows what she is doing�but I fear she hasn�t a clue. My thoughts are with you, I do hope you start writing again, I have missed your entries. With love, Sandyz
Sandyz - 2011-01-16 06:50:12
I went back through your diary and read the why�s�I am so sorry and hope someone opens their heart and makes room for a special grandma�and her mother. You do not deserve this. Sandyz

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