
adelnye - 2011-06-05 21:39:54
I've always been meaning to apologize to you for stepping over the boundaries, for reaching out to F. when you needed him to and he wasn't. I never meant for things to go as far as it did. It didn't even occur to me that it would. In the weeks, months, years that followed, every attempts to apologize only came to be delete, every single word. Now, the two words "I'm sorry" seems like an empty husk, covered with dust- a reminder of my own inappropriateness and cowardice.
beanie - 2011-06-05 22:40:58
Awwww... hard to lose him again.
Zencelt - 2011-06-06 19:54:16
I never knew quite what to think of him, and came up with variety of quirky variations. He seemed to love playing his little roles, and getting to know folks. But it was you who really captivated him. For better or worse. He did piss me off with his treatment of you. That said, I know there are gifts from all types of relationships, and you seem to have found yours. So, peace to you. Thank you for this news of our little D-land Devil.
Sandyz - 2011-06-07 20:40:49
I do not know why but my heart broke when I saw this announcement�I didn�t even know him except through the journey the two of you shared. I looked forward to reading your entries about never ending love. Your dreams, heartbeats, heartbreaks and sadly the sorrows that followed. Even then, your strength against all odds (my odds) you persevered, you moved forward and picked up the million little pieces. The love story between you two was like an unwritten story never before told, the ending, the greatest tragedy ever. I am so sorry even though this must be like life divided, I do know that once upon a time� xo ~Sandyz
PoundheadHere - 2011-06-08 23:08:20
I already expressed my thoughts on Michael, for good, bad or indifferent. I am sorry he died. I'm angry at the choice he made to decimate your psyche. Here's hoping wherever he is now, his existence is no longer devoted to lies
Pam - 2011-06-09 10:42:47
Mixed feelings here. But like you seem to be doing, I am choosing to remember the times he made you smile. My heart goes out to you, Nikki. I do believe everyone comes into our lives for a reason and my heart goes out to you for your ability to remember the good in the face of so much. Rest in peace, Michael, and be whoever it is that you really were.

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