When you're right.....

9:43 p.m.

When you're right....you're right. You do so often know what to say and how to say it.

Realized I hadn't read LOLG for several days, so after getting home this evening, I went to catch up. And there was January 11. All about people who make ME feel guilty for reacting to their inappropriate behavior. Am I overreacting, should I just be nicer, kinder, less prickly in my own behavior as surely it is me that is making them behave badly. Then cover my embarrassment (when it happens in front of other people) with extra smiles and jolly behavior. I look at the Xmas pictures I took ths year and just waned to edit him out - he looked so cruel and unkind.

I do so wish I was more perfect. I have always believed you would like me better and trust me more if you didn't think me broken.

Thank you for spending some of last night with me. Only thing that would have made it better is if I could have felt your heart beat while we were talking.


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