Let's Hear it for Hot Monkey Sex

12:13 p.m.

Bastardo called. Finally. And after a difficult conversation we made another date.

You see, he's a doctor. And during our first date I told him about the Hep C. That I had undergone the treatment, that it was very recent, but according to the bloodwork I was one of the lucky ones. Cured.

Why did I tell him? I don't know. It's not that I had to. Even my own doctor said it wasn't something I needed to tell. It wasn't like herpes or a communicable STD. And I was cured, dammit.

But he is a doctor, and a damn smart one. And the conversation kept getting around to a lot of things that just didn't have good explanations unless I told him I had been deathly ill for a while. And his experience had already led him to that conclusion (apparently I still look very thin in my face), and that led him to asking what what and my answer. Looking back, I think he actually led me down that path, in order to ask the last question...sneaky Bastardo that he is.

So despite Brain #2 wanting to make mad passionate love to me for about 3 days straight (his words, not mine), Brain #1 went to his colleagues, and the internet, and the medical journals for current information. And when he emailed to say that even though he found me wildly attractive, he had some concerns about intimacy and wasn't sure how to resolve them, my stomach turned over. I was more hurt than you can imagine. Shades of Gabriel, you know. Get sick, get abandoned.

But I'm happy to report that after I led him to the GOOD internet sites and the latest statistics in the specialized journals and offered to give him my doctor's phone number so they could discuss it medico to medico, Brain #2 overcame. And three days later mad, passionate, animal sex it was for about 12 hours straight.

But I have to tell you the story of the dinner just before the sex. We go to a Japanese restaurant run by Chinese (what else in NYC). The waitress wasn't the waitress - she was the cashier who apparently has a crush on him and had rushed to take over our table. He introduced me and she looked at me with arched eyebrow and said loudly "She so Skinny". He smiled, I smiled, we ordered. During the meal she came by again and again, to deliver food or just make comments in Chinese to him (he replying in kind and translating for me after she walked away.) As we were leaving, he went over to her and placed his hand on her tummy. "Oh, you got a new boyfriend" Yes, she replied. "Ah", he said, "Expecting?" Her face burning, she said no...too much tuna. "Oh, well my gym is just across the street - I'll be happy to get you in as my guest". And we left. I was floored - did he not know that was inappropriate? And he looked at me and said...."She insulted you and she knew it. I insulted her. No one insults the woman I'm with and gets by with it."

He's a complicated one. Brilliant, funny, sexy in a way I wouldn't normally have noticed until I heard him speak, a prodigy Bad Boy that's made good. Even if his filters could use a little more work. Everything I like, and everything that will keep me from ever trusting him. So it won't last long because he will frighten me away....but until it's over I'm gonna have me some hot monkey sex and a lot of fun.

Oh, and Bike Rider? Yes, still in the picture. He made me dinner at his place, we kissed a little, and I asked him if he wanted to come here tonight to watch the Oscars cause the kids are going to be out and I have the baby.

I'm going to play all the options, baby. And he's the perfect opposite to keep me grounded. And an attractive, intelligent nice guy too. Huzzah!!

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