11:39 a.m.

OK OK - my @ss is officially kicked. Gosh, give a poor sickly girl a break.

To tell you the truth I just haven't gotten to the Square Your Shoulders and Take It Like A Woman place. As I told Mutantdragon yesterday (and thank you for the email my dear) - give me till Monday when I see the doctor for the final briefing. Then I have all the news - good or bad. Then I can make plans. Then I can lay out the calendar. Then I can figure out what I need to do to take care of myself and beat this thing.

Then I can remember that I cross my heart hoped to die Promised (with a capital P) I would TRUST (yes, that's ALL caps) in those doctors. And I've not done a very good job of it for the last couple of weeks. But I will Promise (yes, that was a capital P again) to stop the pity party effective NOW (and yes, that's ALL caps).

XXOO to every one of you. And - as Beagle47 used to say - I really mean that.


PS Mr. Lucky gets home tonight from his trip to Cyprus and India (more's the pity, these three weeks have been heavenly) BUT I understand the mother of our Indian Office Manager in Atlanta took him shopping for me - in fact INSISTED he go shopping for me. And she has great taste in jewelry (which is THE thing to own in India) so......black pearls are MINE, all MINE!!


Happy Father's Day daddy. I feel you watching over me every day. And I will see you in Heaven. I love you.

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