Six Wierd Things

8:20 p.m.

Fightn4life tagged me to list six weird habits/things about myself. Although I suspect you already know everything there is to know, I�ll give it a shot (and pardon me if I repeat something you�ve heard before!!)

1. My second toe is longer than the rest. Thus, in secret, I could be giving you �the toe� at any time. I�ve met a few others with the same interesting feet...but I think it�s hereditary, as Morgan�s are exactly the same. They are also ideally suited for the �pointy� toed shoes of my era � and the comeback a few years ago!

2. I am a very pragmatic, logical, professional, intelligent woman. Who believes in ghosts, and angels, dreams and dragons, aliens and ESP.

(especially angels)

3. I cannot leave to go on a planned trip � even overnight � without cleaning up the house. Oh, not the whole weekly vacuum, dust, mop, Windex, TidyBowl clean. But everything has to be put away in its place, no dishes in the sink or drainer, the bed has to be made, clothes in the hamper, bathroom counters cleared, etc. The end of the week is the same. My list of �to-dos� (a return, mail a letter, stop at the dry cleaner, something from the store, etc) need to be done before Friday night starts. It�s a �clear the decks� complex. And coming home to a straight house is satisfying in its own right.

4. When I find something that looks great, and fits better, I buy two colors. Or three. Or one in every shade that might match anything I own. I once owned the exact same shoe in 8 different colors.

5. For ten years I sent a Christmas card to someone I�ll call �the dirty lousy stinking bum� (and in all fairness to the dirty lousy stinking bums of the world, he was a stinker of a stinky). The message inside said simply: �In the spirit of the Season I have chosen to set aside the fact that I hate you more than anyone I�ve ever met. So please have a Merry Christmas � and may the New Year bring you what you so richly deserve.� TEN years people. Fortunately, I no longer hold grudges.

6. Weird. You want weird. When I am alone (I promise I do NOT do this in front of people) I eat too fast. Because I eat to live, versus live to eat, it is just bothersome to take the time. And I have a generous mouth in a Teeny Tiny little face. I�ve never looked, but I imagine I resemble Alvin, Theodore, or Simon at times. Yes, it�s embarrassing to me too and a habit I am trying to break before I am abandoned on the street by my next boyfriend for lack of good manners.

And I don�t follow directions. Thus there are SEVEN, not six, on this list.

7. I merge. I do not weave. For those of you who do NOT live in Washington, DC (where this is a well-documented controversy) merge is when the sign says �Lane Ends, Merge Left� and you do so at the earliest opportunity so traffic in front of you keeps moving smoothly through the obstruction. WEAVE is when the rotten son of a guns blow your doors off and force their way into the properly merged line at the LAST POSSIBLE SECOND in order to get one more car ahead. Causing a chain reaction of brake lights from the lead car back!! I have been known to move over into the right lane and pace the car beside me, thus blocking their ability to weave until I get through. (PS: when I do, the car I pace always lets me in without a need to brake. Cause everyone appreciates a good merge!!)

If everyone
Would merge when asked
We�d all get through this
Twice as Fast.

~~Burma Shave

PS: I�m not tagging anyone. Mostly because this has gone around before (and I didn�t do it then) and mostly because while I don�t mind being tagged, not everyone feels the same way. So folks � if you haven�t done it, and WANT to � go for it�.and let me know. Cause I don�t want to be the only one baring my soul today!!

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