The 500th

10:53 a.m.


I�ve been thinking about what to write for this entry for a couple of weeks. You see � it�s my 500th. Not a milestone I thought to reach. But here it is anyway, a little earlier than I had planned.

Most of you have heard this before, but perhaps it bears repeating for the one or two strangers that may travel here over the upcoming holiday weekend. This place, found by accident when Googling the web for who knows what (it took me to Beagle47�s diary which is, to my great sorrow, locked now) started out just as a place to save messages sent back and forth between Ben and Anna, two star-crossed lovers of another lifetime. Looking back, I realize it�s also been used to rant, even to rage. It is the proverbial locked door upon which I pound my fists. A place to release the piercing, heart-wrenching, scream that does not stop.

So I tell the truth here. Those who know me now, know that everything I write is real � even if the names have been changed to protect the guilty. And even if there are times when entire paragraphs are rewritten, more optimistically than their original version because, all in all, writing them reminds me I�m really better off than many.

And somehow, despite � or perhaps because of - all that fist pounding, it became a place of understanding, of new friends, of support, of trust and most importantly of all, a place where I found The One.

That said, or, perhaps, not said, I am still left to decide on the subject of this 500th entry. Perhaps I should just keep it simple.

Thank you. Thank you for opening your hearts. Thank you for encouraging me to keep going, for supporting me when I thought I was losing everything, for finding me when I was lost, and for slapping me up the side of the head when I needed it. Thank you for the notes, the comments, and especially the e-mails that sometimes said so much more than you could, or should, say here. Thank you for letting me really get to know some of you here, and on the phone, and even in person.

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and may your life be filled with the love of friends and family.

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