The Gift

8:18 a.m.

This guest entry is written by Diaryland member Beauty4Ashs. My diary is not public, but my respect and affection for this lovely lady is something I agreed to share here, and to spell out my thoughts concerning the story of Anna and Her Love.

A wise author once inscribed something to the effect that a stranger is just a friend we don't yet know. In the modern world, strangers may touch us with more insidious implications. I, however, prefer Will Rogers' vision. That's doubly true in the saga of Anna and Her Love, star-crossed lovers separated by shadows of pain and grief. They were once strangers to me as they were to each other, though their kindred spirits spanned miles and time and incredible odds to seek out the One each was meant to embrace, and I have now encountered each in fact and offer up thanks to the universe for their friendships.

There are magical souls who transform us in ways both subtle and grand, capturing our imaginations and our hearts with the elegance of their souls, pouring out their inner lights in words that flow across an electronic page. Anna and Her Love are among those extraordinary individuals, their words stirring a society defined not by geographical or political borders, but by sharing of the mileposts of lives; by sweet touches of love; and by sharing of sorrows that touch all of humanity sooner or later. And when one encounters them in spaces outside these narrow confines, one discovers that they are all of their words and far more, amplified and sweetened by the addition of touch and voice.

It is those moments that define true privilege; it is that unveiling that permits us a glimpse into the beauty that cannot be contained in hardened hearts.� That species of beauty can flourish only in the hearts of those willing to risk rejection and hurt. It is that beauty of the soul that finds the strength to reach out and extend kindness to others.

Here is the hope that fate ultimately smiles on this convergence, for souls like these need the nourishment of love to keep them among the living. They are the example of a universe where one and one may equal ONE - a whole, undivided and unspoiled by external forces, no matter how difficult the moment may be, no matter how powerfully the forces that be may attempt to keep them apart.

And we who see and speak to them respond by basking in the joy they exude. May each Anna find Her Love, and each Love find his Anna, and may their hearts be joined for a lifetime of inspiration that transcends the most adamant naysayers and holds them through the most painful realities.

To quote another famous writing, "Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not love, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal."

How utterly true... No amount of money, no prestige, no power can ever fill the gaping chasm when love is absent from our lives. No physician nor prescription can match its healing power. No comedy can equal its ability to generate smiles. Love is the single most powerful and unifying force in the universe. May each day be filled with this, the greatest gift of all.

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