Is Grandma Dead?

11:49 a.m.

Last week my daughter and two grandchildren came back to New York for a week. I assume to renew their Visa as they have been in France for a year.

She dropped by to visit my neighbor and his wife, with whom the family enjoys a good relationship and who have been taking care of their US business (checks, mail, repair of the rental condo, etc). My grandson was very fond of them both, often calling the husband "My Mike" when he would stop by the house where we all lived together.

During that visit, my daughter and grandchildren were four houses from my house. But they came while I was at work (expected) so there was no chance I might accidently see the Grandchildren walking on the street.

It has been said young children have remarkable memories for some things, and it can to pass that my grandson remembered these neighbors knew me.

So he turned and asked "Is my Grandma dead?".

My daughter heard the question and rapidly intervened "No, she just lives far far away".

It has also been said some women have trouble with measurements (having been told too often what constitutes six inches), but since when is 100 yards "far far away"?

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