Bad Boys

1:08 p.m.

Bastardo� was really gorgeous in that alpha male arched eyebrow secret smile flirting at the corners of the mouth kind of way. Heart-skip-a-beat sexy. And despite it being a blind date, and him being an hour late, lust threatened to rear its ugly head the moment he entered the room. Why am I always attracted to the bad boys?

He dressed awful. Big oversized everything, like someone who never bought a new wardrobe, or someone who used clothing as a disguise or maybe someone who just didn�t give a damn. A guy who would look far better wearing far less clothes.

Several hours later we found ourselves face to face. Literally, inches away with the scent of him driving me crazy. What I wanted to do, he did. Pulled me in that extra inch or two and kissed me. Best kiss of my life. His lips � I can�t even begin to describe how it felt. It was perfect.

After what seemed like a long time we broke the embrace and looked at each other. I was in love. I would follow this man into hell if that�s where he wanted to go. Shoot, I�d run ahead and hold the gates for him.

Well, we know what happened. He took me to hell, and I am still trying to find my way out.

I�ve always been able to spot bad girls pretty well. It�s a shame my luck at spotting bad guys is not so good. If there�s a bad boy within a hundred miles he will find a way to torture me. And everyone else? If the past few weeks have been any indication, I can�t maintain interest in any denizen of for more than two dates before I get bored and wish he would disappear.

Maybe it�s just me. Not once burned, twice shy � but so burned my belief about the actual existence of happilyforeverafter has finally evaporated (and I have been the banner raising fist-pumping supporter of the damned emotion for longer than I can remember). Maybe there will never be a spark because I just don�t care who they are, or what they want, as long as the gettoknowyou chatter stops the memories, and the endless first dates induce an exhaustion so deep I don�t need pills to sleep.

Thank goodness there are plenty of them. And if I run out of Match, there are lots of other sites.

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