Can't live with 'em. Really.

2:07 p.m.

I really admire the avocado because it's a vegetable that can make you fat. For a vegetable, that's gotta take some chutzpah.

--Manning Krull via Twitter

Ok, I know you need a laugh.


Computers � well, online anything nowadays. Can�t live with them, can�t live without them.

So today I call a large company�s sales department. Yes, the specific department that takes calls in order to give quotes to prospective customers.

Their pricing model isn�t fancy. If you have x users it is $ and if you have xx users it is $$, etc.

So I said �I need a quote please.� And was promptly put on hold.

And after about 5 minutes of hold listening to some really sucky and static-y music (guys, if you are going to use a radio tune it in to the station) the sales guy � and I emphasize SALES here � came back on the line and said:

�Sorry, the system isn�t letting me in so I�ll have to call you back.�

No kidding.

So I replied, calmly and rationally (believe it or not):

�Do you have a piece of paper or a 3-ring pricing binder? Or anything written down you can get to?�

(Cause I�m kinda needing to report this back to my boss, ya know.)

And the answer � as I really expected � was:

�ummmm�..duh�.er�.ah��could I get your number?�

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